A review by jennifermreads
The Secret of Lost Things by Sheridan Hay


Publisher's Weekly review said "The three narratives--intrigue, Melville, Tasmannia--prove so different, however, that recurring themes of loss and abandonment fail to tie them together." This encapsulated exactly how I felt: that the story had great pieces that never fit as one. The lost Melville story was never the center of the tale; it was more about the relationships of those who worked at the store.

All-in-all: Decent but not fabulous

2022: As I add this from my print journal to my GR shelves I wonder (like really am questioning) why on earth I read a book with Melville anywhere near it. I so loathe Moby-Dick (the only book I will use the word "hate" to describe my feelings for it) that I cannot fathom why on earth I even picked this up to begin with!