A review by liberrydude
A Heart Full of Headstones by Ian Rankin


I’m still trying to figure out how the title relates to the story. Is this the last of Rebus? Time to transition to a Siobhan Clarke series? All of Rebus’ chickens are coming home to roost. I’m liking him less and less. He’s a persistent pain in the ass whose ends justify the means modus operandi might be finally placing him in legal jeopardy.

A cop has beaten his wife. Not the first time either. He’s got lots of dirt on his precinct’s bad behavior and is threatening to tell all if the charges of domestic violence are not dropped. Siobhan Clarke is on the case and running into the blue wall of silence. She’s joined by Malcolm Fox out of National Police and formerly of Complaints who is determined to make an example of someone.

Meanwhile Rebus has been asked by the gangster, Cafferty, to find a guy that is dead. The supposedly deceased guy had stolen from Cafferty and was allegedly disappeared because of that. But there have been sightings. Cafferty tells Rebus it appears he might not have stolen and he wants him found so he can make amends. Yeah, right? Rebus undertakes this errand for the gangster out of sheer curiosity.

So eventually these two plot lines intersect. A very unpredictable and shocking ending which is also nebulous.