A review by willvanstonejr
Discovering True: #NoMoreShame Project Anthology, Volume 1 by Rachel Thompson


Every so often, a book comes along that is meant to educate more than entertain. Discovering True: #NoMoreShame Project Anthology, Volume 1 is one of those tomes. Well written by some truly remarkable people and edited by Rachel Thompson, Athena Moberg, Bobbi Parish (all of whom also contribute), it does an amazing job of bringing an understanding to those who need it most: the victims-turned-survivors.

A book that deserves to be read.

Discovering True is a collection of personal essays and poetry from those who have lived through childhood sexual abuse. They come from all walks of life, all faiths, all colors; what they share is a determination to survive and the courage to look back on the cruelty they received from people they thought they could trust and share their stories in the hopes of inspiring others to face their own fears.

It's not an easy read and some people may want to take caution when reading through its pages. Though there's nothing overly graphic inside, survivors may still feel triggered as they explore another's pain and even those who have never been through such an ordeal may feel more than a bit queasy.

That's a good thing. Sexual abuse (or any kind, for that matter) should never be pretty or sexy. It should punch you in the gut and make you angry. Discovering True does that but it also shows hope - hope that there is something beyond the hell others create and that you can find the strength and courage to live a life filled with all the things that make existence worthwhile.

Order your copy and discover some truly enlightening truth for yourself.