A review by willowsmeanders
Catching Fire by Suzanne Collins


JUST AS GOOD AS The Hunger Games. It was a powerful page-turner. I can't wait to read Mockingjay.

REREAD #2 — 4th October, 2019: This book seems different from when I first read it. I actually think that this might be my least favorite book in the trilogy. The love triangle took up unnecessary space, even if it was pretty obvious whom Katniss would pick. Gale was being a prat throughout the book by being so dismissive of Katniss's fears. Prim was still flatter than pita. And generally the plot was not as well-written as The Hunger Games.

That's not to say the books' bad — it's still damn powerful.
SpoilerCinna's arrest and beating
will be a scene that I will forever hold in a place marked off in my brain as "Trauma Zone". So sudden and unexpected. Collins's writing style is still wonderful. And, of course, Katniss Everdeen continues to be one of the most well-written characters I have seen in fiction.

In short, not as good as the first one — but still good.

REREAD #3 — 26th April, 2020
Bluh. Getting lamer per read. Angst. Angst. Too much angst. Unnecessary taking the mickey out of Gale. Katniss getting on my nerves. And the love triangle is about as needed as your wisdom teeth.