A review by loverofromance
Bound by Blood by Amanda Ashley


This review was originally posted on Addicted To RomanceMy Review


Kaitlyn Sherrad, the daughter of Drake and Elena came to the states for college. But she loved California and decided she wanted to stay for a few more years until she had to return home to look for a mate. She settles near Lake Tahoe, and finds herself enjoying a home of her own and despite all that has been extended to her, Kaitlyn is bored out of her mind. So she goes to a Casino in the area, and finds herself drawn to Zack Ravenscroft, the owner. Zack, is a vampire and loves the night and is having a fun time interacting with others at his casino especially the women. Zack finds Kaitlyn irrisistable and wants to know more of her. He is not sure why he feels so connected to her, but he is eager to find out what they can become. But there is a threat to Kaitlyn's life, and her father interferes right when Zack and Kaitlyn start to fall in love with one another. Zack is forced to prove himself to the father because in Drake's eyes Zack is his mortal enemy, but Zack isn't afraid of Drake but is willing to do whatever it takes to make Kaitlyn his, even if that means humbling himself before a vampire younger than he is. The enemy is out for revenge and will do anything to destroy the Sherrad family.

The Hero 

Zack Ravenscroft, was turned into a vampire. He is considered one of the "others". Zack is a honorable man. He was turned against his will, and was left on his own as a newly turned vampire 600 years previous. Zack has experience and despite his vast years of living, has only turned one vampire himself. Zack has come to accept who he is and goes out of his way to help others when he can. Zack is a hero I came to admire so highly, and boy is he tough as nails but can be as soft as a cuddly bear at times. Zack is charismatic and entertaining and knows how to flirt his way through any situation. There were so many aspects of his character I loved, but what I admired the most is the way he treats Kaitlyn and the way he treats her father with respect but stands his own ground without pushing too many buttons.

The Heroine 

Kaitlyn Sherrad has been protected and loved by everyone that has ever known her. Kaitlyn couldn't harm a ant, and she accepts everyone for who they are. Kaitlyn is close to her parents, but also wants to pave her own life in her own time but she also understands her duties, as being her father's only heir and child. Kaitlyn was a heroine I liked from the beginning. She is kind and open, and doesn't have a mean bone in her body. But she has a spine of steel and when it truly matters, she stands for what she thinks is right no matter the consequences. This is what I loved most about this heroine, was her ability to take charge and stand by the man she loves despite how much she loves her parents. She sees what needs to be done and does it. She gets impatient at times, and can be impulsive but I found her character charming and fun.

Plot and Story Line 

This is the second book to this duo series, and what a ball of fun I had with this one. I loved it even more than the first one and I was pretty anxious to read it. Probably because I didn't know what to expect with it, but Amanda Ashley has surpassed herself in writing this one. I just couldn't get enough, and I was so sad to see it end mostly due to the fact that I loved Zack and Kaitlyn together and seeing all the secondary characters that were in the first book and I loved the way they all come together in the end. This is a story about the test of true love . These two hit it off pretty quickly at the beginning, and spend every waking moment together once they fully connect. But right when their relationship is going great (it obviously can't stay that way right??) the father and uncle grab Kaitlyn and take her away when they learn that there is a threat against her life, a very serious one. This threat is connected to the first book. In the first book, Kaitlyn's grandfather was called upon to fight for his territory that he held for over a thousand years and was betrayed and killed by his own son. Drake (Kaitlyn's father) was his father second and was forced to kill his own brother. The mother of the brother killed is out for revenge and boy this woman is bat shit crazy. I mean mentally, she is insane with the need for vengeance and will do anything to get it.

I can understand Drake's need to protect his only child, a daughter he has cherished. But Drake goes a bit overboard with his protectiveness. Kaitlynn is a bit naive for a couple of moments, because in reality she wasn't told the whole truth and doesn't fully realize the danger she is in. But Kaitlyn is furious when she is taken away from the man she loves. But she knows that she is about to be put in a terrible position, but dang does she hold her own with her father. Now this is where Zack steps in. He follows her to Europe and lets just say that Drake and Zack are at odds with one another. This is a changing point in the story and is very vital to what follows. Drake is out of his mind with his actions, and I will admit I really had problems with him for the first time since reading the first book in this duo series. He is out of line in the actions he takes against Zack. It takes Elena and Kaitlyn, working together to convince him that he may lose his daughter if he isn't careful in his treatment of Zack. What I found the most endearing, was seeing the way Zack and Kaitln fight for one another and what loyalty they have for each other...it just about broke my heart.

What was so fun about this story was the romance that blossoms between the two,. Now this isn't your typical vampire romance where sex happens quickly. In fact its the exact opposite and I LOVED that. It was so refreshing to see a hero that isn't out for just sex all the time. He finds something real with Kaitlyn and he wants to prove how special she is to him. Kaitlyn was so amusing in the ways she goes out to seduce Zack and only gets some good hot kisses in return. And boy is she hilarious when she is sexually frustrated. hehe I really respected how Zack treats Kaitlyn. You can tell he really wants to make love to her, but he wants to wait until its the right time and not "down the hall" from her father. He wants full commitment from Kaitlyn before he sleeps with her. I know its not the "modern" idea or concept, but its so rare to find a hero like this and I adored every moment. But even though they don't fully go all the way, they do explore and build up the tension quite well. I also liked how Amanda Ashley makes sure all the ends are tied, and by the ending you see a solid close to a fantastic duo series. We have many factors involved in the story, but they all fit perfectly with each other and loved the blend of paranormal, suspense, mystery and passion.


I am getting hooked on this narrator. She has such a likable voice, and really makes the story come alive for the listener. From the beginning I liked her, but now after two books I am LOVING her.

The Cover 

I love this cover....its so sexy and dangerous and creates the right tone for the story. Love the moon and the red background.

Overall View 

Bound By Blood is a thrilling tale that sweep you off your feet in moments of adventure, mystery, building tension, and a love worth fighting for!!  Guaranteed to knock your socks off.

Series Order

Bound By Night 2Bound By Blood-Ashley

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