A review by chllybrd
Demon Kissed by Karilyn Bentley


The problem with reading book one and book two in a series back to back!?!? You have a hard time separating them when it comes review time. That's right, I read DEMON KISSED immediately after finishing DEMON LORE and although I really liked both of them and already wrote my review for DEMON LORE, I am having a hard time separating the books for my review of DEMON KISSED. I will try my hardest to stick to book two.

The Demon Huntress series has kept my interest so far. Bentley has done a great job developing her characters. The world is interesting and is explained well and the story is full of action, suspense and a bit of romantic drama.

I'm very interested in seeing what Gin's brother's role will eventually be. He has a pretty interesting gift and we know he will use it to help his sister, but will he join up with her and use it consistently? I see a lot of potential with Aidan and Gin. Gin has some mourning to get through, but the sexual tension and spark between these two is high and getting higher. Sargon is still a complete mystery to me, but I see a lot of potential with his character and I can't help but want to see him as a true ally to Gin. Only time will tell.

The characters continue to grow on me and the story continues to entertain me. I will keep my eye out for book three!

* This book was provided free of charge from the publisher in exchange for an honest review.