A review by fushmush
The Red Queen by Isobelle Carmody


*** spoilers ***

3.5 stars

I'm actually a bit sad about finishing this book. For the most part of my life (25 years!) I knew that there were more stories with these characters coming. It's finally over.

The book itself is a bit weak. At the start of this book there was still such a long way for Elspeth to go to finish her quest. I think Carmody (or maybe her publishers) wanted it to finish with this book so Carmody just squeezed it all in. In this novel, we are introduced to Habitat, The Red Land, The Gadfians and the White Faced Lords. There are lengthy explanations on how each of these cultures work. I would find myself glazing over because it was just too much to remember. I think sometimes I just used the skim and absorb method. I know that this was supposed to be the last novel but I really think it should have been spread over two.

It also annoys me when Elspeth, who is supposed to be this amazing, resourceful and clever heroine, is particularly thick about something. I think I guessed it was Lidgebaby causing the block as soon as she encountered it in the Red Land. She's also particularly dense about emotional matters. Her emotional stupidity was then explained away at the end as something her brother had done to her when her parents were killed.

I also feel like there wasn't enough Matthew in this book. Matthew has been missing for so long. It seemed like he and Elspeth hardly spent any time together in this book.

There is also a lot of unnecessary repetition. I can't count how many times we were told that Dragon seemed child like one moment and then almost a woman the next. I think it was mentioned in every scene with Dragon.

So i guess I'm conflicted. Sad because that's the last I'll hear of these characters. Characters who I've known since childhood. Unhappy because I feel like it could have been better. But also happy that it's all wrapped up with a mostly satisfying conclusion.