A review by aliceexmachina
Het verraad by Fiona McIntosh


Sooo, yeah. Just finished the first part of this "Trinity"-trilogy (trinity - trilogy, heheheh) and I'm not quite sure how I feel. The definitely wasn't a four or five star book. If it had been, I would've finished it way quicker than I did. I would've neglected housework, dinner, my friends and my lover and I CERTAINLY wouldn't have chosen replaying games instead of reading it.

Three stars, then? No, I don't think so. The writing was clunky, the main character was way too Gary-Stu for my tastes and I got confused with the whole secretive/not-so-secretive writing.
Book: "Here this is everything you need to know about the entire story line but I am withholding three little things about it now guess haha."
Me: "Ehhh. This and that and that, secrets are out. I am a 25 yo woman and I've been reading fantasy for half my life, this is really not that unique..."

So there you have it, two stars. Which isn't THAT bad really, it means I finished the book and care enough to write a review. I still plan on reading the next book and maybe even the third if the second one manages to keep me entertained.