A review by the1germ
The Gypsy by Steven Brust, Megan Lindholm


Wow, a Hobb/Lindholm book I didn't like! What is this madness?

I'm not familiar with Steven Brust so I can't comment on his influence in this collaboration, but I have to say that this is far from what I've grown to expect from Lindholm. I kept inspecting the text, desperate to pinpoint her voice and finding nothing. The weakest point of this book for me were the characters - which was jarring, considering Lindholm's greatest strength are her characters. Points of view switched around rapidly, never lingering long enough for me to really get a feel for most of the characters. The few female characters were the only ones that ever piqued my interest, but their appearances were few and far between.

As far as the plot goes, let's be honest: I have no idea what the hell happened. View points shifted frequently, the writing was vague, and the climax left me feeling like I'd been locked in a box and tossed around by school children. Maybe I'm stupid. I really wish I didn't just read 330 pages of fiction without grasping a bit of it, but there you have it.

It's a miracle I made it through the whole thing.