A review by votesforwomen
This Too Shall Last: Finding Grace When Suffering Lingers by K.J. Ramsey


My best-kept secret from the internet is the fact that my body is crumbling.

I don't know why I refuse to talk about it over here. Maybe because it's embarrassing? Maybe because of my internalized ableism--it's not bad for anyone else to have weaknesses and illnesses and disabilities, but I have no grace for myself. I should be "strong." I should be able to do all of the things I did before injuries, sicknesses, and constant pain began to plague my body. I should absolutely not be stricken by the mental challenges that steal my sanity and rip at my ability to stay standing even if I'm not in physical pain.

Some days, I don't even remember what it's like to live entirely without pain.

This book found me where I am right now--dealing with a mild cold that has lingered for three weeks because my body doesn't have the energy to fight it off. I've been trying to stay alert and strong long enough to get through school deadlines as my body collapses, congestion in my weak lungs and my throat burning with a soreness that makes it hard to talk. I'm struggling to keep up with all of the things I want to do, the things that bring me joy, the things God has clearly called me to do.

But this book is a reminder: God has called me here, too. His hands are still here, even when I feel empty.

The reminder of the words, "The body of Christ, broken for you" in the Lord's Supper--THESE are the words that define my hope. I am not empty. I am not broken. I am only waiting. Because it is not just my brokenness. It is His strength, holding me. He is the Christ who was broken for me. His body also bears the permanent marks and scars of agony. But he didn't do a single thing to deserve that. He was God, God as spirit, and he gave that up to come here in a human body and hold me fast as I cry in my very very human pain.

I will never be alone. God bless KJ Ramsey for reminding me of this truth. He is never far.

Psalm 34:18