A review by punsandpaperbacks
Daughters of Nri by Reni K. Amayo


Before I even get into this review, let me highlight the gorgeous cover!! Seriously!! Two absolutely stunning Black girls! I love it!!! The braids, the afro, the gold, the cowrie beads! Majestic! I didn’t know it yet, but this fabulous cover was a sign of what I was in for with this book. So let’s get into the review...

I was hooked from the VERY FIRST PAGE! Which is how you want to write your fantasy story. I am a sucker for fantasy with great storylines, proper world building and good character development. ‘Daughters of Nri,’ gave me ALL of that and then some. Listen, storyline-IMMERSIVE, world building-PHENOMENAL, character development-TOP NOTCH!

When I tell you my heart was beating for every tense scene Esinaala or Sinaikuku was plunged into, believe it. At one point I had to tell myself it wasn’t real because of how immersed I became in the story. I was worried for the safety of these characters. I crossed my fingers and whispered silent prayers for the protection of these characters that had grown on me. I loved Esinaala’s fierce and headstrong attitude, but I loved MORE that she was always willing to admit when the team of 4 had a better plan than her and go with that. I loved that despite her fear, she trudged on and never back down, even when it cost her. Moment of silence for our favourite monkey, Enwe. Reni, how were you able to make feel attached to a monkey who only got a handful of pages?