A review by reibureibu
The Art of Learning: An Inner Journey to Optimal Performance by Josh Waitzkin

informative fast-paced


The Art of Learning: or, How I Tricked You Into Reading My Totally Awesome Memoir About How Totally Awesome I Am

Snarky joke review aside, I see great parallels between him and I when it comes to our competitive philosophy and whenever he touches on the process of self-improvement between all the self-fellating chronicles I can't help but corroborate. It's almost scary how applicable his advice is to the realm of fighting games, and how much my own journey there mirrors his in his pursuits. Given the over-abundance of low-confidence players within the fighting game community who regularly self-sabotage their progress with unproductive dooming, I almost feel this (for them) is required reading.

A read that most people naturally inclined towards this likely do not need, but essential for those to whom this is recommended.