A review by rebecita
Fair Weather by Richard Peck


Once they finally get there, this is a bright and quirky imagined childhood memory of the Chicago Colombian Exposition in 1893. (Which you may remember from such bestsellers as The Devil in the White City.) But I endured an entirely plotless first cassette (out of three). It's just one big lament that "they've seen nothing of world." They farm. They don't wear shoes in the summer. I get it. I was ready to jump a train to the big city too.

Worst of all, this country gal's tale is read by what sounds like a Jewish grandma from out east. Cue my dad's downstate ancestors rolling in their graves. (*googles Estelle Parsons* She does, in fact, hail from New England. AND... she played Roseanne's mom!!!!! Shudder.)