A review by mindfullibrarian
The Exact Location of Home by Kate Messner


Thanks to Bloomsbury Kids for the advance copy of this novel for review purposes.

Messner has given us a compassionate and necessary middle grade story about the reality of homelessness for many children today. This story has a unique premise with the geocaching theme and I love that while the main character is in 8th grade he will be relatable for students both much younger and much older than he is. I would love to get this book into the hands of all teachers and administrators who struggle to understand how difficult school can be for children without a stable home life, and who make well-intended but thoughtless comments about the homeless population.

Highly recommended as a purchase for middle school classrooms and libraries.

(Note: Apparently this title was available as an ebook since 2014, but I had not heard of it until now. It is new in hard copy format on Sept 12, 2017).