A review by poisonivy70
Bad Kitty by Teresa Noelle Roberts



The Good: I think the sci-fi is strong and interesting. Xia’s backstory is heartbreaking and the worldbuilding is fascinating. There’s alot of detail but I didn’t feel overwhelmed by it at all. There is a glossary but I think alot of the terms are clear in the context of the story. It's the second in the series, and while I hadn't read the first book, it didn't affect my enjoyment of this one. If anything, I'm curious how I'd feel towards that first book, since I like the world.

The Bad and Everything In Between: The part that I had the hardest time connecting to was the love in the love story - it wasn’t particularly strong to me. It felt like Cal fell hard and fast and Rahal and Xia just have a different sensibility about their bodies and sex and love in general. When the love declarations came, I wasn't sure I bought them, because they felt more insta-love than anything else. I think that's why it took me a bit to get through the story, since I found it easier to put down and just read a couple of pages at a time.

Considering two sides of this triad are felinoid, the catlike responses and posturing made it feel almost like fetish play. I say almost because the sex was tame for a menage type of romance. It wasn’t blisteringly hot, but it wasn’t fade to black, it fell somewhere in the middle. Also, occasionally the very references that make the story unique felt a bit too cute (constantly referring to sex as sexytimes for example).

I liked it. The sci-fi was interesting, even if the love/menage story wasn’t as strong. If you like an interesting sci-fi world with a little bit of menage, you may enjoy this. I wouldn't mind reading the next book

**ARC provided by publisher via netgalley for review**