A review by mina17
Torn by Carian Cole


(2.75)I’m so confused and a little disturbed

My only wish is that toren shouldn’t have been there when kenzie was born, it just made so so weird. While I was reading each time they talk about how Tor would take care of kenzie when she was little( especially that scene where they jump from that to after sex) it’s just so weird, I really couldn’t digest it.

Other than that I liked how forbidden their love was, I kind of crave these kind of tropes and the age gap. I can get it, really.

These random ass moments in the past though, half of that shit was necessary to write. I swear this book shouldn’t have been 500 pages. The smut was so rushed( which I don’t even care about I the first page but he literally take off his boxers in one page then they’re done fucking in the second page) I also hate how rushed the last 20 pages were. It’s like kenzie has grown up, Asher miraculously allowed tor to date his daughter, and it’s just all too rushed tbh.

I like the build up, even if it’s long but I think such tropes deserve back and forth mainly because characters get conflicted and confused.

Anyway I was so excited when I first found about this book but I’m like meh, tor was sexy but idk. Wasn’t bad but wasn’t good either.