A review by manjala
Ship of Magic by Robin Hobb


Vastly different from the Farseer trilogy , but I fell right in yet again. I don't know what it is about these books, but I feel like Robin Hobbs stuff just "clicks" with me, for the most part.

I say for the most part, because there were some minor annoyances I had with the writing choices in this one. I will give them the benefit of doubt though, since I know this is the first book in the series and some things may make more sense after I finish the trilogy in its entirety.
This was, by all means, a (many)character-driven story. Robin Hobb really didn't shy away from writing about any cruelties our characters went through, and I liked that. Some characters I wanted to go through much more shit than others though.. *coughs* Others did not get any thing I thought they deserved. It will be a fun ride to see where all the character arcs will be going in the next books.

I'm personally really curious to find out how the stories will be connected to the first trilogy, since it all takes place in the same realm after all.