A review by bikes_books_yarn
Knitting Stitches: Over 300 Contemporary and Traditional Stitch Patterns by Mary Webb


I have this handy dandy book here in my hands. Sadly it's just not for me. The book is organized well and has good photo's of the stitches - good light in the pictures and the yarn is light colored and shows good stitch definition. My problem with the book is that it has tiny charts - in color - with the key way up front.

So I found a stitch I wanted to make. (I was wanting to make a simple cowl with a lacey stitch pattern.) I read the simple chart. Then I flip to the front to try and decode the chart. Then I get out a slip of paper and start writing out the pattern - because I am not going to flip back and forth over and over until I can memorize the stitch. And since it's a small paperback - I would have to break the spine of the book to get it to lay flat so I could even read the chart. Ergh. I got irritated and went on-line and found a stitch I liked there - printed it out and went to town.

I think for people who love charts and can look at them and memorize them quickly this would be a much better fit. For me - not so much. I am placing this in my "get rid of" pile because I will not use it.