A review by maria_nanci
Perfect Ten by Nikki Worrell


Such a cute and steamy romance!

Joe Starling is the top escort at the Perfect Ten. He's devastatingly handsome, filthy rich and (with having had plenty of experience) incredible in bed. But after six years of meaningless sex, he find himself bored with the lifestyle and yearning for a change.

Faith Graham is an account who has been put down by her mother and sisters for always being too curvaceous. With the prodding of her friends, Faith decides to hire someone from Perfect Ten to escort her to her sister's wedding. She expects an Average Joe, but ends up with Joe Starling.

There is plenty of chemistry between these two characters. Joe loves Faith's figure and bolsters her confidence to rock her curves. Meanwhile, Faith makes Joe reevaluate his life and he starts making major decisions about his future. They couldn't be more perfect for each other! And did I mention that Joe is a dirty talker? Wowza!

Received from Sullivan & Partners in exchange for an honest review.