A review by nicolet2018
The Lost Lights of St Kilda by Elisabeth Gifford


I stumbled upon this while looking for another book and the gorgeous cover drew me in. WW2 historical are not my first picks but why not?

I do like historical romance. This book takes places in the past and present. I have seen these alternate storyline based books before so it was not knew to me. I don't find them very unique though it does keep the reader on their toes.

I compared the characters as they aged. The main theme I saw was regret, at not doing something. Fred and Chrissie struggle with it all through the present characters set in WW2. The fear and alertness of being caught for the men trying to get home was scary but the bravery of those helping them was heartening to see. The writing was lovely especially when it came to describing nature and St Kilda.

The way the author writes the people fo the island felt mixed. I admired their simple way of living and yet can't imagine it in this modern day. Their philosophy was interesting though and their sense of community was nice to see. I can't relate to how nice they are, helping out whenever and there is no sense of competition.

But at times very boring and heavy. The first half was very slow and felt like a good choice if you wanted to fall asleep.

I did not care much for the characters and thought the romance was insta-lovey. I did not believe in Fred and Chrissie's love. Though they seemed like decent people as compared to the dark Archie. The friendship between the boys was so-so. The rich boy always the center of attention and his quiet, kind sidekick. I am not sure what to feel about his redemption but the story was better after the half way mark. It was tough to understand the Scottish terms.

I thought this was an okay book and I can't say I recommend it since I don't read this genre alot.