A review by seeinghowitgoes
Cursor's Fury by Jim Butcher


Tavi is now a full blown Cursor and placed into a position as a spy in a legion. His role becomes all the more perilous when the legion is attacked and Tavi is left as the highest ranked officer. Cut off from support, Tavi struggles to lead his troupe in their fight for survival against the Canim.

You can't help but cheer for Tavi and I keep expecting it to break out into the cliche where yes, Tavi really is all powerful and mighty, and one scene in this novel really makes you think that Tavi's time has come.

A great conclusion and in my opinion the best of the three so far. I'm definitely looking forward to the other books in this series.


In a way, the Codex Alera sometimes feels like the longest montage in the world. With each book solidly set in a new phase of Tavi's life, there's a general trend of - 1. Set the scene, where are we now? Who do we know? 2. Who's the big bad? 3. What ways can we get Tavi in and out of trouble.

I'm rather reminded of the Vorkosigan Saga, and more specifically the novels where Miles is leading up the Dendarii Mercenaries, I could read novels and novels about Tavi and the First Alerans.