A review by wiltedpages
From Little Tokyo, with Love by Sarah Kuhn


From Little Tokyo, With Love, centers Rika, the half Japanese, half white MC who's often at odds with herself trying to fit in Little Tokyo. Her white dad was just the deadbeat that got her mom pregnant, and her mother died as a teen, giving birth to Rika. Her mother's sister, along with her wife, have been raising Rika and her two cousins for the past 17 years of Rika's life and since they had a fairytale romance, of course, their kids are hopeless romantics too. But not Rika, who rejects every notion of love she's ever encountered.

During the Nikkei Week Festival parade, Rika finds herself in a chance encounter with celebrity Grace Kimura, who somehow knows Rika's name and immediately goes off the grid after their seconds-long contact. That, followed by a hidden childhood picture of her mother and her aunt, Rika is absolutely sure that Grace is her mother. With the help of Henry, one of Grace's costars, Rika goes on a wild hunt around LA to find her off the grid mom.

This book is so cute and well written and Henry and Rika are adorable and the ending scene in Little Tokyo was so heartwarming and I definitely cried a little.