A review by 123rsijrcl
The Ghost Files by Apryl Baker


This is literally a knock off version of Meg Cabot's "I see ghosts" book, with the added addition of the author having zero clue how the foster system works, how police officers work, how addiction works, how serial killers operate... if she did any research at all I would be beyond surprised.

Dan is creepy (and a terrible police officer), Mattie is an asshole (please... I beg all YA authors to learn what sarcasm actually is) and this book has a bad ending. If I have to read the word squirt one more time I might legitimately blind myself. The jailbait sceneS are physically painful. Dan has CHOCOLATE GOOGY EYES y'all. Just in case you missed that in every single paragraph.

The scene where Dan's ADULT girlfriend, because he is an ADULT man says it's weird for him to be hanging out with a child and Mattie acts like a total asshole with an added dose of misogyny is a throwback to the atrocious YA of the mid 2000's. That's right kids, she's not like other girls, she's sarcastic and not a bimbo. Spectacular characterisation there buddy, why develop your characters when you can pull the "not like other girls" line instead? This is great if you're like 12 and deep in the "I'm not like other girls because I only shower once a week and wear converse" phase, but can we please for the love of god leave it in the past?

Just when you're like "hey, this might turn out okay, maybe they'll go back to the ghosts and not the ridiculous love square/scribble nonsense" she gets another MAN who is attracted to her. Because she's got a great rack that every male in the tristate area can't take their eyes off, even though she is a kid and they're adults.

I would genuinely like the last two hours of my memory wiped so it wasn't wasted on this book.