A review by dantastic
Madman Library Edition Volume 3 by Mike Allred, Laura Allred


Madman Library Edition Volume 3 collects The Atomics #1-15 and Red Rocket 7 in its entirety.

This is the third Madman Library edition I'm reviewing so I'll skip to the good stuff. It's Allred art throughout so it's a visual feast.

The Atomics is a team book featuring the Mutant Street Beatniks who now possess powers and a new outlook on life. It gets a little timey wimey but it's like a love letter to classic Marvel with trips to space and other dimensions.

Somehow I missed Red Rocket 7 when it was originally released but I flippin' love it! It's a love letter to rock and roll and has a lot of cool sf concepts. Yes, I realize I used "love letter" twice in this review but that's the best way to describe it. I could also say "Forrest Gump Meets Stranger in a Strange Land" or something like that, I guess. Red Rocket and his six brother clones arrive on earth and go into hiding from their enemies. While they're there, Red Rocket 7 gets involved in some early rock and roll moments leading to a cataclysmic battle.

In a way, I'm glad I didn't read Red Rocket 7 as a teenager because I wouldn't have appreciated a lot of the rock and roll history at the time. Now I want to track down the tie-in album, Son of Red Rocket 7, and the movie tie-in, Astroesque.

Five out of five stars. I eagerly await the fourth library edition.