A review by museoffire
The School at the Chalet by Elinor M. Brent-Dyer


How I long for the days when one could just decide to start a girl's school in Austria on a whim!

This is, I am told, a beloved series in Europe and as part of my continuing education in all things "girls adventure stories" related I figured it was long past time to cross the pond. I'm especially interested in this series because it began in 1925 and with over 60 books written over almost 50 years it chronicles, through fiction, a truly huge piece of volatile European history.

In a nutshell "The School at the Chalet" tells the story of two sisters, Madge and Joey Bettany. Twenty something Madge decides to start a girls school in the Alps partly to earn money but also to help her sickly sister young Joey (Alpine air being good for what ails you apparently). So that's what they do!

While I might be slightly baffled by the Lord of the Fliesesque behavior of British boarding school girls on the whole this is a pretty delightful series and I've got book 2 on the way as I type this. Looking forward to seeing how Bettany sisters make out!