A review by breaklikeafish
Knife Edge by Malorie Blackman


Contains Spoilers for [b:Noughts & Crosses|714902|Noughts & Crosses (Noughts & Crosses, #1)|Malorie Blackman|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1443903273l/714902._SY75_.jpg|853421], but not for [b:Knife Edge|300044|Knife Edge (Noughts & Crosses, #2)|Malorie Blackman|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1364405912l/300044._SY75_.jpg|853422]

So. That was. An experience.
After part one, I needed several years to recover from the ending. Like, I refused to read this book for five years because I was just not ready to accept the ending of [b:Noughts & Crosses|714902|Noughts & Crosses (Noughts & Crosses, #1)|Malorie Blackman|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1443903273l/714902._SY75_.jpg|853421]. Let me just say: it was absolutely worth the wait. And also probably a good idea, since I was a sensitive child and Knife Edge definitely is a dark book. I really enjoyed the way [a:Malorie Blackman|172977|Malorie Blackman|https://images.gr-assets.com/authors/1258760862p2/172977.jpg] combines complex topics and emotions with a very easy-to-read, straight-to-the-point style.
I initially thought that I wouldn't like this book very much, given that Sephy kind of annoyed me in Noughts & Crosses, and Jude... well. Jude is Jude. However, Sephy's character development is beautifully portrayed. She still annoyed me from time to time, but everything was so realistic and I really felt for her throughout the entire book.
Jude's character is, to me, one of the best things about this book. I like that we get a lot of insight into his character, his feelings, and his personal justification for the terrible things he does. What I like even more is that none of that is used to excuse his behavior in any way. Like, yesss, humanize villains!
The only reason I'm not giving 5 stars is that the writing style didn't completely blow me away and I missed Callum.
Also, before you read this book, make sure to have [b:Checkmate|300045|Checkmate (Noughts & Crosses, #3)|Malorie Blackman|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1443903147l/300045._SY75_.jpg|1179542] immediately available. I'm serious.