A review by raforall
The Merry Dredgers by Jeremy C. Shipp


Review to appear in a future issue of Booklist

Three Words That Describe This Book: creepy, cults, conversational narration

A quick, suspenseful read for fans of creepy Horror featuring cults such as Just Like a Mother by Anne Heltzel or amusement parks like Hide by Kiersten White

Notes: Quick read– suspenseful and well paced. The mystery-horror hybrid works well Well paced. Suspenseful, creepy, weird.

Great sense of place– the mirror room scenes are awesome– but even the details like what the creepy elevator says when you get in it.

But then it all becomes more than it seems– It’s about love, family, allowing yourself to be vulnerable.

And about the stories those we tell and how we share them.

You fall right in. Seraphina has a great narrative voice. She is talking to the reader as she works out her dilemma and her life.

This is a book readers will sit back and watch happen– enjoy it all, and then bonus– be left with something to think about after it is all over.