A review by shyann_thomas
Invisible by Pete Hautman


This book was super good! I love psychological books, and that's exactly what I found here.

It starts with Doug, a "nerd" who is way into trains and as you read on you learn, fascinated with fire. His best friend is Andy, the compete opposite of him. Andy is popular and always busy and it doesn't even make since that he's friends with Doug.

Throughout the book, Doug is seeing a psychiatrist and supposed to be taking medication, though he doesn't. He is also building a replica of the golden gate bridge in his basement to go with the small town his grandfather left him.

As you read on, you realize that something is a little off about Doug.

Then you learn that he is oddly fascinated with fire and has even burned his tree house down.

That's when you read about his hiding in the bushed and spying on the girl he likes. She finally spots him and he encounters the police, but nothing comes of it.

He then gets jumped and that's when everything starts to downfall.

Then you find out that Andy died in a house fire they set were they were 14, 4 years ago. He's been crazy all this time. His parents try to put him into a mental institution. He then goes into the basement, finishes his bridge and then sets the whole thing on fire. It ends in bit of a cliffhanger, but I took it as he went on to be in the mental hospital and he things he's in the little city that he was building. It ends with him talking to Andy.