A review by teelock
Who's Got Your Back: The Breakthrough Program to Build Deep, Trusting Relationships That Create Success--and Won't Let You Fail by Keith Ferrazzi


Is Who’s Got Your Back Worth Reading?
To put it simply, I loved this book, too. The material in here applies well to virtually everyone, particularly people who are somewhat introverted who may need that extra push to build strong life relationships (I’d put myself in that group). What appeals to me, as with Never Eat Alone, is that everything is underlined with giving of yourself. Paying it forward is a strategy that has never, ever failed me in life.

This one is already on my re-read pile. I plan to let the contents of it sink in for a while, then give it another read-through in a few months.

My only criticism is similar to the criticism I had with Never Eat Alone, but it’s one that I understand. Ferrazzi has a tendency to name-drop in places. My interpretation of it is that Ferrazzi is actually much like myself – he’s an introvert who has to work on being an extrovert, and being able to drop those names makes it easier. I do a similar thing, to be quite honest – I tend to talk in big bursts when I don’t know someone well. I’ll be quiet for half an hour, then drop a two-minute wall of words. It’s something that comes up as a result of my natural introversion – and it’s something I’m aware of and try to work on.

Put this on your Amazon wish list or your library list. This one’s really good.