A review by reydeam
The Girl with Seven Names by Hyeonseo Lee


“Kindness toward strangers is rare in North Korea. There is risk in helping others. The irony was that by forcing us to be good citizens, the state made accusers and informers of us all.”

This was an eye-opening book. Hyeonseo Lee expanded my perspective on North Korea with the knowledge of how deeply the propaganda within this country has been indoctrinated into their citizens. Their societal perspective is vastly different than the one I know.

Through Lee’s narrative, which read like a well written novel, I have gained a brief understanding of North Koreans’ fear of not being considered a good citizen as well as North Koreans’ loyalty to their country. This enhanced the awe I felt for those who defected and survived that horrific journey, a journey that was so horrific because of how terribly defectors were taken advantage of.

From the knowledge I’ve gained from this book, my appreciation of living where I live has increased, and I’ve also gained a newer perspective.