A review by doc_k55
Ariel: A Book of the Change by Steven R. Boyett


One Saturday, at 4:30, everything stopped. Cars, planes, electricity, batteries. Just stopped. And magical creatures appeared. The Change, as it became known, altered everything. Pete was sixteen at the time and although he made it home, his mother and brother did not. After a short while, he packed a bag and left.

Ariel, first published in1983, is the story of Pete's experiences after The Change, especially after he meets Ariel, a unicorn. As Boyett tells it, only the pure - ie virginal - can touch a unicorn. This isn't a problem for Pete. Ariel and Pete wander, mostly in the Southeast US / FL, but circumstances take them into Atlanta, and then north on their quest. Their story ends in NY.

The story is classic fantasy that commences with world building and focuses on a quest, with lots of action-packed battle scenes as the good guys fight the bad. I found the WTC scenes difficult to read - but of course, in 1983, Boyett could not have known what was to come 18y later. Fun fact: he was 19 when he wrote this. Really enjoyed the character of Ariel, the unicorn. It was a really interesting was to write about a fantasy creature.

I enjoyed this, and though I can't remember how I heard about it or why I put it on my to-read list, it was worth it. I might even reread it with my son!