A review by trike
Avengers vs. X-Men: Consequences by Kieron Gillen


This was better than the main AvX storyline, but then so is getting kicked in the shins, so that's not all that impressive a feat.

There are two storylines here, the primary one following Cyclops in his prison and a secondary one following Hope as she looks for her father. Now, I'm not sure exactly who Hope's dad is. They say it's Cable, but it's apparently a different Cable from the original continuity. (Cable was after my time, so I'm not really sure what's going on here. I don't care enough to look it up, either. A comic book story should be entirely self-contained, and I find a couple paragraphs at the beginning of books like these detailing what's gone before to be perfectly acceptable. Sadly, there's no "Previously" here.)

The Hope story was mostly a distraction. I think it was thrown in just to tie up some loose ends. It's an end I didn't remember being loose, so I didn't find it interesting.

As far as I know, I've never read anything by Kieron Gillen. If this is an example of his work, then I need to find more of what he's done, because it's terrific. His dialogue for each character is distinct, he has clever wordy bits and the pacing is spectacular. It's rare to find a comic book writer who knows when to let the story breathe. Edit: Apparently I read his Iron Man collection earlier this year, [b:Iron Man, Vol. 1: Believe|16002166|Iron Man, Vol. 1 Believe|Kieron Gillen|http://d202m5krfqbpi5.cloudfront.net/books/1352383051s/16002166.jpg|21764143], and gave it 4 stars. So I do like his stuff.

Sadly, the artwork isn't nearly as good as the script. Each section is drawn by a different artist, and they range from really weird to merely adequate. Now, a good story can compensate for bad or weird art, but in this instance some of the faces are *so* weird that it's actually distracting.

Overall it's not too bad, but it doesn't feel like a whole story. I'd really like to read a complete saga by Gillen sometime. Must go look.