A review by readingonmountains
Hemlock Island by Kelley Armstrong


I was pulled into this fast-paced twister of a thriller from the get-go. I stayed up way past my bedtime a couple nights in a row to binge read because I just had to know what would happen next and how it would end.

Laney’s been through a rough few years. Her adoring husband built her an idyllic cottage on a remote off-grid island on Lake Superior for her wedding present. But sadly the pandemic did a number on their marriage and they’ve gone their separate ways. Then Laney’s sister got sick and passed away leaving her as the sole guardian of her teenage niece. Times are tough financially too, and to hold onto her island paradise she is forced to rent it out to pay the bills.

When hex circles and bloody body parts start showing up Laney heads to the island to investigate the strange happenings that are creeping the heck out of her guests. Her ex husband shows up with his sister, and her old friend Sadie tags along for the ride with her cop brother. What follows is a wild ride as the motley crew of friends is stranded on a spooky island in a powerful storm.

I’m a big fan of Kelley Armstrong’s books and loved this one, though the ending was definitely not what I expected. This was a great thriller that had me gasping more than once.