A review by hsinjulit
Something in the Wine by Jae


Initially, I was hesitant about picking up this book because of its lower ratings on goodreads. All apprehension cleared once I started reading. I ended up really enjoying the growing relationship between Annie Prideaux and Drew Corbin.

This is the 12th full-length Jae books I have read. All stories focused on the heartwarming details of falling in love. The characters never threw insults or had major fallouts, making Jae's works perfect escapes for the chaotic real world. In Something in the Wine, Annie and Drew's chemistry worked really well. With the emotional intensity of the book, I did not register upon finishing that there were no sex scenes. Though ridiculous to base their relationship on a prank, watching them grow to appreciate and trust each other was beautiful.

"No negative assumptions about yourself." – Drew

I really like Drew; she is always so considerate and in tune with Annie. And while Annie's sexuality panic overshadowed her character descriptions, I think she is a great person, too. I hope they make cameos in Jae's future works.

Something in the Wine is a great story of a previously straight-identified woman and a lesbian falling in love. Their attractions towards each other were undeniable. And for readers figuring out orientations later in life, you are seen.