A review by tien
The Taint of Midas by Anne Zouroudi


Not a police procedural.

Not a PI either even if he says he is an 'investigator'.

Money is not an issue for him.

He seems to be particular about his white tennis shoes.

He introduced himself as 'Hermes Diaktoros' yet throughout the novel he is more often referred to as 'the fat man'. Ugh, I'm not very politically correct myself BUT there is only so much reference to 'the fat man' I can take. I didn't count but reckon there may be about 100 times in 270 pages (on one page, it was mentioned twice in 2 lines). I have no idea what or who he is supposed to be. Some sort of avenging angel? An angel of mercy? Both? It is a mystery.

I guess it is also a murder mystery even if I don't think this is the main point of this novel. It seems to be a celebration of Greek kind of life and it sounds mighty fine to me!