A review by lizawall
Countersexual Manifesto by Paul B. Preciado

umm i found the introduction like basically perfect and i underlined pretty much the whole thing and wanted more -- eagerly anticipating the memoir(?) coming out jan 2020 (i think?) the book itself a little more hit or miss for me, but when it hit it really banged!

wish i'd had the concept of dildonics in grad school/my twenties. (or HIGH SCHOOL??? the year TWO THOUSAND??? just imagine if it had been translated sooner. or if i had learned spanish. or french. like i remember being an uptight 17 year old and vaguely trying out being anti-dildo as part of a vision of gold star political lesbianism, like "if i wanted a dick i'd just be straight" is such a dumb argument and maybe if i'd read this book i'd have realized that sooner.) i can't think of a work of theory that made me lol so much and that's a compliment.

on the down side, there was kind of a bummer of a feeling that there was a certain dream of the 90s that like our pleasure could lead to our liberation in a direct line that is no longer really possible (for me) to believe this 2000 and late (i found this review br rl goldberg in larb helpful to think on that, although i don't totally agree with it: https://lareviewofbooks.org/article/even-this-review-is-a-dildo-on-paul-b-preciados-countersexual-manifesto/). but maybe that's my own problem and i just need to shave my head and draw a dildo on there in order to free my mind?