A review by carladionisio
Endless Worlds Volume I: Seven Stories of Fantasy, Horror, and Science Fiction by S. J. Bryant, E. R. Robin Dover, Matthew Wright


I received a digital ARC from the author Peter Koevari.

Crítica completa em Pepita Mágica: http://pepitamagica.blogspot.pt/2016/02/livro-endless-worlds-anthology-voli.html

actual rating: 3.5 stars

Horror, science fiction and fantasy are some of the genre I like to read, therefore, Endless Worlds Anthology – vol.I was a good bet. Peter Koevari (who I read his trilogy "Legends of Marithia") sent me this anthology to read and write an honest review, as I always do.

1) E. R. Robin Dover’s The Trees(Horror) ★★
2) S. J. Bryant’s The Unconnected (Science Fiction/Cyberpunk) ★★★★
3) James Peters’ Carbon to Carbon (Science Fiction) ★★★
4) Matthew Wright’s Missionary (Science Fiction) ★★½
5) Ken Mann’s Ravens Nest (Fantasy/Horror) ★★★½
6) K. C. May’s The Awakening (Science Fiction) ★★★★½
7) Peter Koevari’s Dusted Dreams (Horror/Science Fiction) ★★★★½