A review by richardwells
Dark Star by Alan Furst


It's been a long, long time since I've finished a book, slept on it, and started over the next day. Dark Star is so thick, and rich with plot, character, and place that there was no way I could get it the first time through, and even after the second reading I could go back for more. I've been on a bit of an Alan Furst tear: Night Soldiers, The Spies of Warsaw, and Spies of the Balkans, but this one takes the cake. Deep into the heart and mind of Russian intelligence, deep into the machinations of Hitler and Stalin, as deep as you can get into the soul of the protagonist, this is a hell of a book. Most of the other reviewers go over the story, check them out, but beyond the story this is history, philosophy, poetry, and damned good writing.