A review by renaes01
Merciless by W. Winters


Damn this was dark. Normally when captor captive scenarios you see the hero at some points be caring and gentle or they eventually become that when they start to like the girl they kidnapped. Well...that does not fucking happen.

Carter treats Aria like shit and literally keeps her in a cell for weeks until she is starving, exhausted and so deprived of affection that she develops Stockholm Syndrome and starts to do anything for his affection.

Poor Aria is just so broken and manipulated and I honestly feel terrible for her. What she has to go through in this book and having to watch her go from a strong girl to a shell was really hard to read.

I do still like Carter in some way, maybe its because I read his back story and understand why he is fucked up, and I think he does care for her in his own way. However, we only see him have an obsession with her and want her to submit, there is literally no romance or love between them whatsoever. I honestly didn't even feel the sexual tension or like the smut scenes between them because you know Carter just wants to possess her and Aria is fucked in the head. I was routing more for Aria and one of his brothers because they treated her a lot better. We also don't even found out why he wants her to fear him so much so I don't understand his motivation but I'm assuming we will found out in the future.

In saying all that I still found it to be an interesting and very addictive read. I really hope he does eventually see how horribly he has been treating her and we see a HUGE grovel and change of character but...we'll see.