A review by bookishlynomes
A Deal with the Devil by Amelia Wilde


3.5 stars

A Deal with the Devil is the second installment in the Devil trilogy and picks up exactly where the first book ends. Right from the get-go, there is action and intrigue with enemy pirates attacking, tension between the hero and heroine after a particular event (part of book 1's cliffhanger!), and several flashbacks that give insight into Poseidon's life and upbringing.

I'll admit I did struggle with this book. I thoroughly enjoyed the first book and flew through it very quickly, but with A Deal with the Devil, it didn't hold my attention as much and I struggled to get through a few parts. I found myself putting it down several times and then coming back to it. By the end, I'm glad that I took my time finishing it because it did contain aspects that clarified things from book 1 and also set up things for the third and finale book in the series.

However, despite the few scenes that didn't quite hold my attention, I very much enjoyed the dark romance that continued from book 1. If you've read The Devil and the Deep Blue Sea (or any of Amelia Wilde's other work), you'll know the romance is dark, steamy and full of *fans self* moments. You get all of that and more in A Deal with the Devil as Ashley and Poseidon's relationship develops further.

Overall, I definitely preferred the first book but this one set up things very nicely for the finale and I cannot wait to see how this series ends. Wilde is a fantastic writer and what I love about her writing style is you never quite know what to expect in how the stories will go. I've been kept on my toes the entire time so far during this series and I look forward to finding out how Poseidon and Ashley resolve things.

I highly recommend this series to anyone who enjoys pirate romance (with a twist), bdsm, and/or dark romance.

Disclaimer: Thank you to Candi Kane PR for the arc in exchange for an honest review.