A review by jro14x
Elements of Chemistry: Capture by Penny Reid


Wow! What an amazing end to a fabulous story! Below will have spoilers for the previous books so read with caution.

I really liked that Kaitlyn stuck to her guns after her decisions to break up with Martin. Were there mistakes on both side of the relationship? Yes, but it's so refreshing to see a NA where the girl doesn't fold at the first sign of conflict with the hero. I loved the continued exploration of personal fulfillment vs. the good of the whole. I think this an important issue facing the 20-30 somethings, and I really liked how that conversation happened between Martin and Kaitlyn. I loved seeing Kaitlyn and her mother come to a new understanding of their relationship. Parent-child relationships can often become cartoonish, either sickeningly perfect or horrifyingly terrible and the cause for some emotional defect in a main character. Kaitlyn and her mother had to work to understand each other, but it was obvious that the love on both sides would carry them through. Finally, the grovel. Ohhhhhh, what good grovel this book has! Martin has a lot to make up for, but by the end of this book, I believed he was ready to change and own up to his mistakes.

Despite my caution with the NA genre as a whole, I 110% recommend this series! It's smart, it's witty, it's sexy, and it touches your heart. What else could you want?