A review by carolpk
Lightning Men by Thomas Mullen

The Hook - I could not wait to read the second installment of Thomas Mullen’s Darktown, a crime procedural featuring the first “colored” police force in Atlanta in the 50’s.

The Line - ” He tried to walk a moral path, yet it was littered with the bodies of his good deeds—and too many other bodies.“

The Sinker - When we were first married my husband often accused me of being a rather “black and white” person when it came to my views on issues. If I read Lightning Men and did not consider the grays of life, I might have been extremely frustrated with where the book took me. Allowing myself to see things beyond good or bad, all or nothing, right or wrong, to view the plot in terms, black nor white, but in circumstance or necessity, made this a compelling read. Lightning Men draws lines, lines of race, line of boundaries, and lines of moral turpitude. Take a chance, venture across these lines. You won’t be disappointed.