A review by fallen_for_books30
Three Rivers by Chloe T. Barlow


A great emotional book on second chance. It had suspense, romance, heartbreaks and a strong friendship which I admired. Even though the love happened between them was little soon but it had developed perfectly. I loved how the author handled the suspense, creating doubt, surprises...secrets ;)

I loved the memories of Tea and Jack..Even though he wasn't there in the most only in the starting...I felt like I knew him. Then Griffin! Oh man....He was hot, caring, intense and perfect person for Tea. His history with his dad, with Jack had been real emotional and I found myself crying throughout the book. This is not just a second chance in romance, It's more about learning to move on, to heal, to love . The grief,the story has been handled very delicately and very differently. I was angry, I was happy, I felt so much connection in the characters!!

You have got o read this book! OH Yeah..You will love JOHNNY!! So better grab this book quick :) <3