A review by babyleo
The 104-Storey Treehouse by Andy Griffiths, Terry Denton


This review was published on Lost in a Good Book

Andy and Terry are back with another 13 levels and a whole extra set of antics. The first chapter once again introduces us to the new rooms and features in the treehouse such as the tangled up level, the two million dollar shop, the never ending staircase and the stupid hat level to name a few. There is also a small issue of Andy’s sore tooth that needs addressing.

I enjoyed how the story connected really well – they weren’t separate, vaguely connected adventures, instead each chapter was a result of the previous one and each antic came as a cause or solution to another chapter.

Jill’s back too which is wonderful. Jill books are the best books. I liked how Jill’s animal proficiency came in handy once more; her sensible reasoning balancing out the boys and their wild ideas.

One thing I noticed is there seemed to be more structure to this story than others. It may just be I really liked how each chapter connected and was woven into the main storyline but I found every part of this fun and creative.

Overall it was incredibly funny, not too many overly simple jokes for the sake of it, and I say this when there are literally pages of bad jokes and pun at the end of the book but that is a different and a delight on its own.