A review by akolar
Confessions of a Paris Party Girl by Vicki Lesage


I was hoping for a light hearted read all about the culture of Paris. I was expecting some tales about how difficult it is to transition from life in America to life in France.

Instead, it seems, I got a lot of complaining masquerading as “confessions”. The closest thing Vicki gets to a confession is when an older gentleman give her a foot massage at a benefit. Otherwise it is incessant griping about French internet, French bureaucracy, French co workers, etc. Here is a quick run down for the book: Arrive in Paris, complaint, complaint, drunk, drunk, drunk, complaint, fell due to drinking, complaint, oh the French! How annoying, get married. Also the book seems to be more about her love affair with booze than anything else.

I enjoy cocktails and I love Paris. If the author is as truly annoyed as she comes across, maybe she should leave?

I would give it a giant meh. I’m sure there’s a far superior expat in Paris story somewhere.