A review by natsomji
God of Mercy by Okezie Nwoka


Wow. You know when you finish reading a book and are left with a satisfied void? That's how I feel right now. I just put this book down and had to write a review. I'm not even sure where to begin because I'm still processing so much of it. This book is poetic prose, it tells a story not just by it's writing but in it's rhythm. It puts you in the mind and heart of the protagonist.

And the story, let's talk about the story. This is like a modern day Achebe. There are layers upon layers upon layers of meaning that I will need time to digest. I found myself in tears toward the end of the book because of how beautiful the story was, how vulnerable, how merciful. There were some turns of phrase that literally giving me goosebumps.

This book will win awards and it will be the gift I find every bibliophile over the next several years.