A review by cakt1991
A Duke Will Never Do by Darcy Burke


I received an ARC from the author via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.

A Duke Will Never Do is my second Darcy Burke, the first being the previous book in the Spitfire Society, and I enjoyed this one much more. That one lacked a lot of substance to the characters and plot that this one delivered on so much better.

I was skeptical of the arc with Anthony descending into rakishness to numb the pain in the aftermath of his parent’s’ murder, as I feel like reforming the rake can often be done poorly. But I enjoyed the way he was portrayed, being self loathing but also trying to be a good person. Him getting together with Jane isn’t a cure-all, and while it’s rushed a bit, I like that he acknowledges he needs time to work on himself.

The Spitfire Society ladies are fascinating in their living independently on the fringes of society, and Jane is no exception. I like how she decided to stop caring about what people thought about her after a rumor ruined all her prospects.

There’s a mystery element in this one, and the way it connects Anthony and Jane, amping up the stakes for those they care about was wonderful, and provided a nice secondary conflict that was really compelling.

I really enjoyed this one, and am excited to hear that there’s more stories coming soon for the supporting characters from this book, especially Jane’s sister. I recommend this for fans of steamy historical romance.