A review by charms1976
The Lost Saint by Bree Despain


After reading The Dark Divine, I was hooked on this authors writing and story. When I heard that The Lost Saint would be released in December, I was on cloud nine! I knew that this would be another action packed and heart stopping read to follow up the first book. When the publisher offered it to me for review, I clicked yes and sent that email faster than I could blink. That is how much I love this author and her story!

When The Lost Saint starts out, Daniel is training Grace to balance her new powers. Grace needs to learn how to control the wolf so it doesn't overtake her. While they are star gazing afterwards, Grace receives a call from Daniels phone. We find out that Jude is on the other line and trying to warn Grace. When Daniel and Grace arrive at Daniels house though, Jude is already gone.

From that chapter on, the book is filled with suspense and mystery. Daniel starts to change in personality and you will be surprised as to why. I actually found myself getting mad at Daniel throughout this book and couldn't believe half of what he was doing! I wanted Grace to slap some sense into him! I missed the Daniel from the first book and the author teased you throughout the whole story with the sudden change in Daniel. When the book comes to a close, we realize why Daniel has been acting the way he has and it will throw not only the reader for a shock, but for Grace as well. I had tears in the last chapter and couldn't believe the author left us with that cliffhanger! I wanted to throw the book in frustration and call Ms. Despain up and ask her how she could do that to us!

Now, as the release date approaches, I find myself undecided if I should let the author know how frustrated I am! On one hand it is great for the book, but on the other hand, I am one frustrated and impatient reader! The author needs to write faster and give the reader more quickly! This is one series that just keeps getting better with each book. I look forward to the next book in the series! This is one series that does not disappoint and will keep the reader engaged in the plot up until the last page. Have tissues on hand and be prepared to read from page one straight to the end with no breaks!