A review by katykelly
Dear Mr. M by Herman Koch


4.5 stars

Difficult to classify or describe, a multi-stranded story that pulls together. Interesting look at writers and their world.

I loved The Dinner, quite liked Summer House, the premise of this was one I couldn't turn down.

A neighbour of a famous writer (now selling far fewer copies than he'd like) keeps a close watch on 'M', attending his book readings, watching his young wife on her holidays.

We also see a second story narrated, that of two students and a teacher, who had an affair with one student, and the disappearance of whom later gave M his breakthrough novel as he wrote about the case (and assumed murder by the two students).

I spent much of the book searching for connections, wondering how the two narratives were going to come together. As happens in Koch, they do.

And both are equally interesting. M's world of signings and dinners (or buffets as they increasingly become) is rather fascinating, as we see the outer glamour and the inner turmoil. The story of the long-toothed teacher and the pretty student (and her new boyfriend) feels like a different book, but you know early on that it is going to turn darker.

Very enjoyable, a refreshing plot and situation, I always love books about writers and writing. Lots of different perspectives and dark humour, and a great ending for both plotlines. Great choice for book groups to discuss.