A review by thebookhaze
Writing Down the Bones: Freeing the Writer Within by Natalie Goldberg


All the times I've started and not finished this book, was because I got too eager to write and then never got around to finishing the book.

I love the stories, the advice, the thoughts and ideas shared in this book. I love the obvious passion for writing and the feeling that writing is something inside of us that just has to be done. We can make all the excuses we want, but we have to write, we just do.

I've picked this book up so often, and each time I did, it motivated me to start writing again. The problem was, it was the key to getting my engine started, but it wasn't the petrol to keep me going. I had to get my own petrol. I had to keep myself motivated, inspired, and disciplined. I had to get rid of the fear of writing.

Recently, things happened in my life and I got a revelation. I have to write. There's nothing else I can do. I have no idea how I'm going to do it. I have no idea what I'm going to write about, but just the fact, just knowing that I do have to write, that it's the only thing I *can* do... destroyed most of my resistance to it.

I still resist, I have to admit, and I still fear... But I'm working on it, and every day I'm losing more and more of my fear and resistance.

Thanks to this book, thanks to the wisdom and the gems and the inspiration from the stories in the book. Thanks to Natalie Goldberg, and to the hundreds of authors out there whose books inspire me and give meaning to my life.